DOT SAP Services

Follow the DOT Guided Clinical Assessment

SAP or Substance Abuse Professionals help employees who have violate a DOT drug and alcohol regulation. The SAP process includes the following steps:

DOT SAP Services
DOT SAP Services

Face-to-Face Evaluation/Assessment

In this step, the Substance Abuse Professional conducts a thorough clinical assessment and evaluation. The analysis includes psycho-social history and administering quantitative testing tools complying with current clinical evidence-based standards.

DOT SAP Services

Referral & Level of Care Recommendation

Based on the face-to-face evaluation, the SAP provides a suitable recommendation for education or treatment. The Substance Abuse Professional also recommends clinically-approved referrals that consider the level and severity of substance abuse, cost, location, and employee's work schedule.

DOT SAP Services
DOT SAP Services

Monitoring Progress

The SAP monitors and follows the employee throughout the treatment. The SAP also focuses on the education requirements to encourage compliance and deliver the progress report to the employer.

DOT SAP Services

Final Face-to-Face Evaluation

In this step, the SAP conducts a follow-up evaluation to determine if the employee has followed the recommendations. The Substance Abuse Professional can arrange a follow-up testing schedule and aftercare plan at this stage.

DOT SAP Services

Final Evaluation Report

After the final face-to-face report, the SAP will provide a follow-up report with a drug and alcohol testing plan to the Designated Employer Representative (DER).

DOT SAP Services

Follow-Up Testing Plan

SAP will provide a follow-up drug/alcohol testing plan to the employer only. The testing plan is confidential and not given to the employee.